L R AS Published on Sunday 5 March 2023 - n° 435 - Categories:other France

News on the project for a PV production unit in France

A project for an integrated production unit (from wafer to panel, using European silicon) has been announced for the port of Fos sur Mer. It should be operational in

2025 and will produce 5 GW of cells and 3.5 GW of panels.

The project is worth €1.5 billion, of which €120-140 million is currently being raised. The Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region will contribute €70 million. The remainder (€1.2 billion) is not specified.

Editor's note Obviously, we can only welcome the fact that the project is moving forward, and that it has a certain scope to achieve economies of scale.

Nevertheless, the task will be arduous, as all the elements for the project's success need to be put in place: knowing how to choose the equipment, having teams who know how these machines work, but also organising the company internally, with sales, administrative and financial teams. No indication of the type of panels that will be produced

The sheer scale of what needs to be assembled, not to mention the start-up of the various departments, raises fears that the project will be difficult to put in place, especially as the promoters are familiar with photovoltaics from a different angle than that of producing wafers, cells or panels.

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