L R AS Published on Monday 9 November 2020 - n° 339 - Categories:evolution-stat

22nd edition of the World Energy Markets Observatory (WEMO)

Capgemini has published the 22nd edition of its annual report on the World Energy Markets Observatory (WEMO), with the main conclusions :

  1. The significant decline in economic activityemissions from the Covid leads to the largest reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions since the Second World War. However, long-term climate change objectives remain very ambitious.
  2. Energy production from renewable sources and battery storage technologies are evolving rapidly.
  3. The growing share of renewable energies in the energy mix, combined with the closure of programmable generation sources, entails risks as regards the stability of the electricity grid.
  4. Will post-COVID-19 stimulus packages succeed in accelerating the advent of a green economy?

In order to achieve climate change objectives and ensure security of energy supply, the WEMO report makes the following recommendations:

- Controlling GHG emissions

- Encouraging the construction of carbon-free energy production facilities

- Promoting electrification

- Guaranteeing the security of network management

- Ensuring that the ecological proportion of recovery plans becomes a reality

the study is to be found at www.capgemini.com/fr-fr/etudes/wemo2020/


Full Sun of November 4th

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