L R AS Published on Monday 22 May 2023 - n° 446 - Categories:R&D

R&D: 24.6% solar cell, HJT panel failure, TOPCon cells on P-type silicon, new test centre for Fraunhofer; perovskite cells

R&D: 24.6% solar cell, HJT panel failure, TOPCon cells on P-type silicon, new test centre for Fraunhofer; perovskite cells


The IEA's solar heating and cooling programme (IEA SHC)

recommends the factor of 0.7 kWth per square metre of collector aperture area for area-to-power conversion for concentrating solar power statistics.

Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) has developed a new solar cell for applications in perovskite-silicon tandem photovoltaic devices, using a new approach to interface engineering. It has achieved an efficiency of 24.6%.

Researchers at the University of New South Wales have identified four failure modes caused by wet heat in heterojunction solar panels with a glass backsheet configuration. The failures could result in power losses ranging from 5% to 50%.

Scientists at Fraunhofer ISE sought to use TOPCon back emitter solar cells (TOPCore) on epitaxially grown p-type silicon wafers with the aim of reducing production costs and the carbon footprint. They claim that this combination paves the way for TOPCore devices that exceed 25% efficiency.

Fraunhofer ISE opens a third photovoltaic test centre in Germany (Baden-Württemberg). It complements the test fields in Spain's Canary Islands and Israel's Negev desert.

The Chinese have built a perovskite solar cell with a hole-transport layer that has an efficiency of 24.3% and high stability. The cell retained 90% of its initial efficiency after 1,200 hours of storage in a dark ambient environment.








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