L R AS Published on Saturday 11 July 2020 - n° 328 - Categories:R&D , cells

New cell interconnection method

The Swedish company Sticky Solar has developed a method of interconnecting the cells. According to him, his process has several advantages over current methods of soldering in the manufacture of panels. According to him,

it compares favourably with the SmartWire solution from Meyer Burger. The Swedish process would be particularly useful for heterojunction cells.

This solution completely eliminates soldering. An adhesive tape is placed around the interconnect tape that holds the wire in place throughout the subsequent manufacturing steps. A strong connection is created by the heat and pressure applied to the panel during lamination. The highly transparent tape is highly resistant to ultraviolet (UV) light.

The company claims that this process ensures lower cost and higher throughput production of PV panels. They believe they have reached the stage of industrial exploitation.


PV Magazine of 8 July

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