L R AS Published on Sunday 7 July 2019 - n° 234 - Categories:self-consumption

Self-consumption has found its champion

Réservoir Sun, a company co-founded by Engie and Casino, provides self-consumption solutions to businesses and communities. In eight months (almost since its creation), the company

announces that it has secured 70 MW to be built and will reach 100 MW by the end of the year. Réservoir Sun has won just over 60% of the latest tenders for self-consumption and has "150 to 200 MW of projects at the negotiation stage". The projects cover the whole of France

The company is convinced that "the motor is no longer the sunshine, but the price paid by the customer on the network". "The price of storage is falling as fast as the price of photovoltaics in the past," adds its manager. The offer would arrive in France in about three years' time.

PV Magazine of 5 July

Editor's note A company that only seeks to increase self-consumption and is turning away from large power plants, this is original. This example is, for us, symptomatic of the future of photovoltaics, which is going to be implanted as close as possible to the users to avoid transporting energy, and to avoid the use of land that is destined for other uses. PV will conquer other spaces (roofs) that are currently unoccupied. However, nature abhors a vacuum. We had presented this development in the "Regard sur le PV" (last week's issue of PV View), No. 283, indicating a change in the location of photovoltaic installations.

In addition to opening up an original and apparently promising avenue if we are to believe its contract announcements, this company is going to organise the industrialisation of installations, making it possible to lower prices and thus make rooftop installations cheaper and more attractive for holders of virgin surfaces.

The company wants to make itself known. At the same time, it is going to attract other companies who will smell the vein. We shouldn't complain because not only is there a niche to be filled, but there is a definite future. The more candidates there are, the greater the cost reduction will be.

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