L R AS Published on Monday 11 February 2019 - n° 263 - Categories:France, other France

French people prefer RE, but few go for it!

The French reaffirm their overwhelming preference for renewable energies for the country's energy future, with support ranging from 70% to 89% depending on the different sectors. These figures are much higher than those for natural gas (61%), nuclear power (46%) and fossil fuels (20% or less). A plebiscite for RE!

Enthusiasm for renewable energies

is based on a high level of trust: 97% of respondents trust at least one of these channels and 42% even trust each of them (-3 points). In terms of residential equipment, heat pumps come first, followed by solar panels, then wood energy, with a general reinforcement of strong confidence ("completely confident") in all the channels.

A very large majority of French people (88%, stable compared to last year) would prefer to consume their own electricity as a priority rather than selling it in full if they had solar panels. The solar "rent" scheme will only appeal to 8% of them in 2019 (- 2 points). With photovoltaic self-consumption, the sharing of energy becomes a vector of social ties and solidarity: 23% of French people would choose to sell or exchange their surplus electricity locally (+2 points) and 11% would even choose to offer it to an association or to people in a situation of energy insecurity (+1 point).

7% of households own photovoltaic panels, 5% a solar water heater and 11% a heat pump.

Full Sun on 5 February

Editor's note Every year, the same survey highlights the appeal of renewable energies in France. Every year, it highlights the distortion between a very large majority of French people who are in favour of RE and a very small number who are equipped with solar panels or heat pumps. The pollsters do not even ask the question about the possession of storage batteries, or users of self-consumption, because the answers would be epsilononnesque.

While the other countries (Germany, Italy, now Spain) are implementing the dissemination of renewable energy equipment among their population, the surveyors represent the majority of the population in these countries.representatives of Qualit'ENR would be well advised to perceive where the obstacles to the adoption of such equipment are in the daily life of the French in order to be able to remedy them. It is more useful to increase equipment sales by 5% or 10% than to know that an additional 5% or 10% of French people appreciate renewable energy ... There are facts and ideas. In France, we prefer ideas to facts!

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