L R AS Published on Sunday 7 January 2018 - n° 216 - Categories:China, the manufacturers

GCL NE has an installed capacity of 6 GW!

China's GCL New Energy Holdings (GCL NE), an independent power producer, reported that its installed solar capacity had reached 6 GW by the end of 2017, an increase of

71% in twelve months. Management has indicated that earnings in 2017 are expected to reach RMB 850m ($131m) compared to RMB 309m in 2016 due to the sale of an electronics company and successes in the O&M management of the plants.

PV Tech of January 3, 2018

Editor's note Capital recycling at GCL NE is the most important in the PV industry. This creates a source of recurring income that will contribute to the sustainability of the group.

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