L R AS Published on Saturday 2 December 2017 - n° 214 - Categories:R&D

Producing ethylene by the sun

Ethylene can be produced from sunlight by converting CO2 with copper catalysts. This results in

work from the NUS University in Singapore using room temperature and some reagents. This makes it possible to avoid the current steam cracking process which uses saturated hydrocarbons raised between 750° and 950°: they then produce two tonnes of CO2 for one tonne of ethylene.

Scientists are looking for catalysts that would make it possible to produce liquid fuels such as ethanol from CO2 andwater (H2O).

PV Magazine of1 December 2017

Editor's note The consequences of this discovery will have the greatest industrial and economic consequences. Similarly, if ethanol production could be developed, it would also be revolutionary.

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