L R AS Published on Saturday 3 February 2024 - n° 474 - Categories:brochures

The platelet market

There has been no significant change in market fundamentals. As a result, prices for PERC M10 and G12 mono wafers have not changed, remaining at $0.246/piece and $0.357/piece.

Cell manufacturers who want to work during the Chinese New Year holiday are stockpiling raw materials in advance. Production and stocks of wafers are sufficient to meet demand. Downstream, there are fears of a future rise in wafer prices.

Silicon manufacturers seem to want to join forces to drive up the price of silicon because of the relative shortage of N-type silicon. Some commentators believe that wafer manufacturers do not need a rise in the price of silicon to raise their prices, even in the face of stagnant demand.

Other experts believe that there are not enough conditions for prices to rise, due to the abundance of upstream materials. January's silicon production is expected to deliver around 70GW of downstream products, which is significantly higher than January's panel production of around 40GW, according to the source.

Opis has been told that almost half of all cell production capacity will continue to operate throughout the Chinese New Year break. Wafer producers, on the other hand, are expected to reduce the pace of plant activity less over the New Year holiday, leading to an abundance of wafers after the festive period, putting downward pressure on prices.


PV Tech of 2 February 2024

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