L R AS Published on Sunday 22 October 2023 - n° 462 - Categories:Germany

BSW calls for additional measures to develop PV in Germany

The German Solar Industry Association (BSW) again calls for improvements to the legislative package

with amendments to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) and other energy regulations that have just been submitted to the Federal Parliament. The association points out that the proposed measures are not sufficient, and overall cannot guarantee the sustainable doubling of the rate of development of photovoltaics over the next three years, as set by the German government. Procedures need to be speeded up, higher financing costs offset and bureaucracy reduced.

The BSW is proposing that the additional costs involved in acquiring "Made in Europe" solar power plants should be compensated for during a transitional period and to a limited extent.The BSW is proposing that the additional costs of acquiring "made in Europe" solar power plants should be offset to a limited extent for a transitional period by including so-called "resilience premiums" and auctions in the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).


Photon of 19 October 2023

Editor's note The plan to revive the German photovoltaic production industry seems to have been shelved.

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