L R AS Published on Sunday 1 October 2023 - n° 459 - Categories:the prices, European countries

Prices in the 3rd week of September in Europe

In the third week of September, prices on the European electricity markets fell compared with the previous week. This was the result of a fall in demand and a significant increase in electricity prices.

wind power production on several markets, which offset the rise in gas andCO2 prices, says AleaSoft

Over the course of the week, solar energy production fell on almost all the markets analysed compared with the previous week. The German market recorded the biggest drop, down 22%. The other countries where solar power production fell were France, down by 2.0%, and Italy, down by 18%. Only the Iberian Peninsula increased its production.

Wind power production increased in all markets, (especially Italy + 295% and Germany + 210%). It reached levels not seen since spring or summer in several markets.

Electricity demand :

During the third week of September, electricity demand fell on all the markets analysed compared with the previous week, ranging from -0.3% in Germany to -9.2% in the Netherlands.

Over the course of the week, prices on all European electricity markets fell compared with the previous week. Weekly averages were below €100/MWh on almost all European electricity markets. Negative hourly prices were recorded on 19, 20 and 24 September on the German, Belgian, French and Dutch markets. On the Nordic market, in addition to these days, negative hourly prices were recorded on 21, 25 and 26 September. Similarly, on the 19th, the price on the Nord Pool market was negative, averaging €0.60 per kWh.

All in all, despite the rise in the price of gas, the general fall in demand for electricity and the significant increase in the production of wind power in most markets, the price of electricity on the Nord Pool market was negative.nergy production in most of the markets analysed led to a fall in prices on the European electricity market.


PV Magazine, 27 September 2023

Editor's note This article highlights the fact that electricity prices vary on a weekly and even daily basis because of the different supplies of solar and wind power, with sometimes marked divergences and considerable peaks in production.

The other factor is demand, which varies from week to week, making adjustment difficult. This is done through prices, with negative prices if too much electricity is delivered.

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