L R AS Published on Saturday 2 September 2023 - n° 455 - Categories:the prices

pvXchange notes a steady fall in panel prices over the last five months

For the fifth month in a row, panel prices have once again fallen by an average of around 6%, bringing the year-to-date fall to 25% across all technology classes. This is the result of

very large stocks of panels in Europe.

All the manufacturers and wholesalers complain about the losses they incur on a daily basis. Discounts are applied to every sale, often exceeding the sales margin.

It seems that Asian manufacturers are reducing their deliveries.

It is difficult to predict how long this excess of goods will last. Will it be at the end of the holidays in Europe, when demand picks up again? When the Chinese market picks up again at the end of the year. For the moment, no one knows how many containers full of PERC technology panels are in European warehouses, or when these surplus stocks will be cleared.


pvXchange of 28 August 2023

Editor's note: No one is asking why the Chinese are causing European warehouses to be supplied with far too many panels. Why are they doing this? If it was a one-off event at the end of 2022, that can be explained, but continuing to ship too many panels in 2023 is evidence of a definite intention. Is it to disrupt the European market? Is it to bankrupt a number of wholesalers and importers who will now have to sell at a loss? Is it to put the remaining European manufacturers in difficulty?

The Chinese motivation is still unclear, but we can be sure that it is deliberate and that it has a well-defined goal.

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