L R AS Published on Saturday 1 July 2023 - n° 452 - Categories:forecasts;

New Bloomberg Intelligence analyst sees global demand up 40

Worldwide installations of photovoltaic solar energy could increase by up to 40% by 2023, as favourable economic conditions in the solar sector

(low cost of $50/MWh, falling panel prices) combine with favourable policies such as the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and REPowerEU programmes, says Bloomberg Intelligence.

Panel prices are expected to continue their downward trend this year, having fallen 10% so far since December. Capacity additions are expected to rise by 36% this year, according to BloombergNEF. Falling silicon costs, down nearly 60% since December, will combine with an expected 50% increase in production capacity to further boost manufacturers' revenues, according to the study, with the risk of oversupply increasingly real.

Bloomberg Intelligence believes that growth in the sector can be maintained over the next two years, which would raise sales expectations.


PV Tech of 28 June 2023

Editor's note Bloomberg Intelligence has just been created. To replace Bloomberg NEF or to complete the offering? Because it's new, this new research company needs to make an impact, hence its estimate that global photovoltaic installations will increase by 30 to 40% by 2030. Quite apart from this shock announcement, this consultancy is simply repeating general information that is already known.

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