L R AS Published on Monday 8 May 2023 - n° 444 - Categories:R&D

UV-stable perovskite cells that recover energy from 'black light

First construction of UV-stable perovskite solar cells that harvest energy from 'black lights

A UK research group has fabricated perovskite solar cells capable of harvesting energy from indoor near ultraviolet (UV-A) LED lights.

The devices achieved an efficiency of 26.2%, an open circuit voltage of 0.90 V, a short circuit current of 1.42 mA/cm² and a fill factor of 77.6%, resulting in a maximum output power of 991.21 μW/cm².

UV-stable perovskite solarcellswith interface modification have a high power output of about 1 mW/cm², which compares to less than 100 µW/cm² for traditional indoor white light harvesting PV.


PV Magazine of 4 May 2023

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