L R AS Published on Sunday 13 November 2022 - n° 424 - Categories:Asia

A (questionable) assessment of the gain from solar panels in Asia

Seven key Asian countries collectively saved about $34 billion in fossil fuel costs in the first half of 2022 through solar power generation.

China, India, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines and Thailand have all seen solar power generation mitigate the costs that would have been incurred by soaring fossil fuel prices.

Two-thirds of the $34 billion in savings were achieved in China, where about $21 billion in coal and gas imports were avoided. Solar met 5% of Chinese electricity demand in the first half of 2022. In the first three quarters of the year, China installed 52.6 GW of solar capacity.

There is a general trend of growth in solar installations on the continent, as five of the ten countries with the largest installed solar capacity are Asian.


PV Tech of 11 November 2022

Editor's note: This article sounds serious, but it is not. How were the 34 billion in savings calculated? By simplifying the price of oil, gas, coal? As these prices vary every day, were the purchases adapted to the different price variations?

Furthermore, the savings in fossil fuels were retained, but the cost of new installations or the depreciation of installations from previous years was "forgotten". Not serious

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