L R AS Published on Wednesday 15 June 2022 - n° 408 - Categories:French companies, placing on the market

If you want to know where your electricity comes from ...

If you want to know the origin of your electricity supply ...

French energy company Volterres, a subsidiary of Sun'R, has developed traceability software. It allows you to find out in real time where your electricity comes from.

from nearby renewable energy plants. "Consumers can thus follow the composition of their electricity supply in a transparent way: the tool certifies the traceability of the origin of the energy and which renewable energy plants have contributed to this supply.


PV Magazine, 7 June 2022

Editor's note: This tool will be useful for households and businesses that need to know where their energy comes from, i.e. very attentive environmentalists, as well as companies that want to play up the "natural" aspect of their energy for communication purposes.

As the cost of this tool is added to that of the energy purchased, you need to be able to afford this luxury.

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