L R AS Published on Sunday 6 February 2022 - n° 392 - Categories:R&D , panels

An aluminium finned heat sink

Malaysian scientists have developed a multi-level aluminium fin heat sink. These reduce the panel's operating temperature by 8.45 degrees Celsius and increase energy efficiency by 10.75%. The cost of the system has been estimated at $0.60/W.

The heat sinks are made of aluminium alloy. They were glued to the rear face of a 120 W monocrystalline panel. The use of glue is intended to eliminate air gaps and improve thermal conductivity between the cooling system and the panel.


PV Magazine,1 February 2022

Editor's note Reducing the temperature under the panels is often extremely useful for increasing their efficiency. However, the cost of the proposed system seems particularly high, representing twice the price of a panel today and three times the price a year ago! This dooms the product unless it is simplified, or if its price can be lowered through industrialisation. In fact, these multiple fins will quickly come to a halt due to clogging, lack of rotation and the tangled nature of the fins.

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