L R AS Published on Monday 31 January 2022 - n° 391 - Categories:other France

Decarbonisation measures are justified in France

France Stratégie has analysed the comparative costs of avoided electricity emissions. These are known as abatement costs.

This body, which reports to the Prime Minister, compared the present value cost of climate action with the abatement cost in 2050, which came to €370/tCO2.

Decarbonisation of the electricity system is therefore justified.

The level of electricity consumption and its distribution over the year, known as the time profile, also have an influence on the average cost of generation. Thus, taking into account a slight increase in electricity demand up to 2050, to which the energy mix would adapt, the incremental cost of electricity generation would be lower than the average cost of electricity.the long-term incremental cost rises to €130/MWh, compared with an average cost of €100/MWh (with an unchanged time profile). This significant increase is the result of the rising nature of certain costs: in particular those of flexibility, or of renewable energy production, due to the gradual scarcity of favourable sites such as windy or sunny areas.


Tecsol of 23 January 2022

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