L R AS Published on Sunday 12 December 2021 - n° 386 - Categories:around the PV, various issues around PV

Where are the barriers to the adoption of solar heat pumps?

Researchers from Sweden, Spain and Italy have identified the most common non-technical barriers that prevent solar heat pumps from becoming a mainstream solution for heating and cooling in European markets.

They identified the cost of the systems, the lack of appropriate business models, high initial costs and long payback periods as the main barriers to wider adoption of solar heat pumps. Secondarily, they mentioned the lack of information on the technology and socio-demographic factors such as public perception and the effect of neighbours.

Obstacles are different in each country: in Spain, obstacles are mainly legal and organisational. In Germany, economic concerns dominate

In all countries, the lack of appropriate business models, high initial costs and long payback periods are the main barriers to the wider adoption of heat pumps combined with PV.

Another study highlights that the installation of a heat pump increases the value of a property,


PV Magazine of 10 December 2021

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