L R AS Published on Monday 15 November 2021 - n° 382 - Categories:industrial strategy

After the sale of RES France, the RES group wants to make itself known

RES, one of the world's largest independent renewable energy companies, currently manages over 7.5 GW of operational assets worldwide having built

21 GW of solar and wind power plants. RES is the fifth largest wind farm asset manager in France. Following the sale of its assets (Sale of RES France to Q Cells) a week ago, the company will continue to operate the maintenance business which manages 800 MW of wind and solar assets.

RES, active in onshore and offshore wind, solar, electricity storage, transmission and distribution. RES has commissioned more than 21 GW of renewable energy projects worldwide and manages a portfolio of 7.5 GW of operational assets worldwide for numerous clients?


Tecsol from 1 November 2021

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