L R AS Published on Monday 15 November 2021 - n° 382 - Categories:other France

Is there a sudden interest in panels and self-consumption by the French?

In the context of soaring energy prices, consumers are looking for alternatives to lower their bills. Among these solutions, solar self-consumption is increasingly popular.

Effy, a specialist in energy renovation in France, has noted a doubling of requests for solar panel installations in October. Households are motivated by their purchasing power. They see solar energy as an alternative way to control and reduce their energy bills.

This explosion of requests for solar panels is indicative of a real trend: that of energy reappropriation. Indeed, faced with rising energy prices, more and more French people are choosing to turn to solar self-consumption to produce and consume their own energy and thus reduce their dependence on market prices and lower their bills.

Self-consumption of solar energy can result in savings of up to 40% per year. Selling surplus electricity provides further income


Tecsol of 10 November 2021

Editor's note Is this an advertising statement or a phenomenon that has become widespread among the population? It is still difficult to discern what it is.

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