L R AS Published on Tuesday 5 October 2021 - n° 376 - Categories:funding

In brief financing: Amarenco, Apex Energies, Akuo, Ombrea, Enoé

Financing in brief: Amarenco, Apex Energies, Akuo, Ombrea, Enoé

To finance the development and construction of 237 solar projects,

Amarenco launches a €6.5 million equity financing campaign for the construction of 46 MWp and an investment of €65 million



200 PV power plants with a capacity of 50 MWp, developed by Apex Energies, will be built following a €10 million financing agreement with Crédit Agricole Languedoc Energies Nouvelles "CALEN" and Midi Energy


Akuo is starting the construction of a 26.55 MWp photovoltaic park in Colombia. The energy will be sold for fifteen years to Grupo Argos



Ombrea, a young company specialising in the management and protection of crops against climatic hazards, has announced a10 million from Mirova (Natixis group), CMA CGM, two French entrepreneurs and Région Sud Investissement, the company's historical investor,



Enoé has raised €1 million in participatory financing and plans to launch other campaigns to raise €5 million. The managers' objective is to reach an installed capacity of 1 GW of renewable energy plants by 2027.


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