L R AS Published on Monday 27 September 2021 - n° 375 - Categories:minister-regulation

CLER criticises the government's energy transition policy

The CLER, network for the energy transition, believes that the Finance Bill for 2022 underlines once again the failure of the government's policy on energy transition.

Thus, the energy renovation would be based on badly targeted aids

The main problem is that subsidies such as MaPrimeRénov are not geared towards efficient renovations. They artificially inflate the renovation figures, without significantly reducing heating and electricity bills. They squander the resources of the recovery plan. This bonus should encourage renovations that achieve the Bâtiment Basse Consommation (BBC) level. In a context of inexorable increases in energy prices, the implementation of BBC standards for housing will bring down consumption and bills. It will significantly and sustainably protect households, particularly those in fuel poverty.

CLER deplores the scandalous delay of France in the field of renewable energies, in particular renewable heat and gas. These energies would help stabilise heating and transport prices.

The territorial transition is suffering from a clear lack of resources. The Positive Energy Territories (TEPOS) are held back by the insufficient means of leadership and engineering granted to support these initiatives.


Tecsol of 22 September 2021

Editor's note It is difficult for us to judge the relevance of the CLER's argument. However, the energy renovation of buildings is essential to reduce consumption. It is therefore necessary to organise the implementation of BBC standards.

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