L R AS Published on Saturday 4 September 2021 - n° 372 - Categories:China

Boosting residential installations in China

In order to increase residential solar installations to 15 GW by 2021 in China, the National Development and Reform Commission has introduced a subsidy of RMB 0.03/kWh for electricity generation. This premium will stimulate residential production.

In thefirst half of 2021, China added 5.9 GW of residential capacity or 42% of the total capacity of all projects in the first half. Residential demand will reach 15.5 GW to 17 GW, almost half the 2020 level of 10.5 GW.

Shanghai expects to reach its peak carbon emissions in the period 2021-2025, before it starts to reduce. The city is leading the way for the whole of China in reducing its consumption. In January 2021, Shanghai announced that it wants to reach 8% of electricity from RE by 2025, up from 1.9% in 2019. To achieve this, it will actively develop offshore wind and solar power. It will be difficult for a city of 24 million inhabitants to be self-sufficient in energy. The city is a showcase for what will be done in China.


PV Infolink of 27 July 2021

Editor's note After stimulating the construction of large power plants, the Chinese government believes that the next projects will be profitable on their own and that there is no need to stimulate them. It wants to stimulate residential installations, with incentives. Above all, this policy towards the residential sector indicates that more local production for local consumption is needed. This is certainly a trend that will also develop in France

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