L R AS Published on Saturday 16 January 2021 - n° 346 - Categories:floating power plant

Will there be offshore solar power plants?

Will there be offshore solar power plants?

Norway's Equinor wants to build an offshore floating pilot plant

from Frøya (Norway) at the end of summer 2021 to test the device. It is a square with 80 m sides, which will rise 3 metres above the sea surface. The device will be tested for at least one year. It will be the first power plant to be installed in rough seas.

ABCBourse of 14 January

Editor's note Some panel assemblies have been laid on the sea, but waves and tides do not ensure the stability of the panels and cause them to dislocate because the physical stresses are too great.

Equinor's project solves these problems since the panels will be fixed on a base above the sea or ocean. Another problem is that the surface area must be large enough for a large number of panels to be installed, which poses the problem of surface rigidity. It is understandable that the behaviour of this platform is not known. This project has solved the problem of waves, but a new one has been encountered, that of the flat surface to be held in place.

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