L R AS Published on Monday 2 November 2020 - n° 338 - Categories:other batteries

Nilar develops a NiMH battery

Nilar, a Swedish battery manufacturer has just received a €47 million loan to demonstrate the viability of NiMH batteries. The loan was provided by the European Investment Bank.

The battery

is based on nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) with an improved bipolar design. It has an energy density comparable to that of lithium batteries and is environmentally friendly due to the absence of toxic metals. In addition, it is cost-effective, easy to recycle, requires less energy in its manufacture than lithium-ion, and is much safer than lithium-ion. Its disadvantages: a high self-discharge rate and loss of capacity over time.

It is called "bipolar" because the cells are placed one on top of the other horizontally with a metal bi-plate between them.


EnergyTrend of 28 October

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