L R AS Published on Saturday 24 October 2020 - n° 337 - Categories:hydrogen, minister-regulation

The Ministry of Ecological Transition publishes two calls for projects for hydrogen on October 23rd.

The Ministry of Ecological Transition publishes two calls for projects for hydrogen on October 23rd.

The first is related to "Technological bricks and demonstrators".

It aims to develop or improve components and systems related to the production and transport of hydrogen and its uses such as transport or energy supply applications. It also aims to design and develop new vehicles for road and rail freight transport. It will also be able to support large-scale experiments or demonstrators (over 20 MW) on the national territory, enabling the hydrogen industry to develop new solutions and structure itself. Applications must be submitted by 31 December 2022 to this address: https://entreprises.ademe.fr/dispositif-aide/20201013/inodemo-h22020-176.

The second . relates to the Ademe's "Hydrogen Ecosystems in the Territories". It concerns investments in the production and distribution of renewable or decarbonated hydrogen for industrial and mobility uses, particularly in the field of utilities and heavy transport (public or goods). It aims to create large-scale ecosystems that promote economies of scale. Applications must be submitted by 17 December 2020, 16 March 2021 and 14 September 2021 to the following addresses https://entreprises.ademe.fr/dispositif-aide/20201013/ecosysh22020-165.


PV Magazine of October 23rd

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