L R AS Published on Saturday 5 September 2020 - n° 330 - Categories:agrovoltaic

A 1 GW agrivoltaic farm in China

China's Baofeng is building a 1 GW agrivoltaic park that will house the production of goji berries in Ningxia province. Already 640 MW have been connected to the grid so far.

The ecosystem in this region has improved, the number of small wild animals has increased, and the number of animals has increased.

significantly, such as sparrows, hares and pheasants. The solar installation reduces the evaporation of moisture by 30 to 40%. Plant cover is estimated to have increased by 85% while significantly improving the regional climate. The entire plantation uses drip irrigation as the area receives very little rainfall.

The panels were installed at a height of 2.90m.

The Americans have shown that agrivoltaism offers great potential when growing leafy green vegetables (lettuce, spinach) with root crops (potatoes, radishes, beets and carrots).

The University of Arizona said that shading the crops with solar panels produces two to three times as much fruit and vegetables as conventional farming installations.

Baywa r.e. and its subsidiary GroenLeven are building five agri-voltaic energy pilot projects in the Netherlands, where they are testing five different types of crops: blueberries, red currants, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries.


PV Magazine of 3 September

Editor's note There are few examples of agrivoltaic installations, but each of them presents the advantages of this solar + agriculture combination. And we're starting the tests all over again as if we were starting from scratch! When will we have a database listing the experiments, the vegetables to be favoured, the advantages and the pitfalls to be avoided? When will the Ministry of Agriculture recommend this type of installation?

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