L R AS Published on Saturday 29 August 2020 - n° 329 - Categories:various sectors

The complementarity of solar and wind energy production must be sought.

The Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland) underlines the active complementarity between solar and wind energy production. The two are not always concomitant,

resulting in a more regular and reliable supply. This not only reduces the need for storage, but also for research into improved storage technologies.

Solar and wind power generation has significant seasonal variability and resource quality from one location to another. For example, wind production peaks in spring in California and Saudi Arabia, and in winter in Finland. "Because of its tendency to show some periodic pattern in terms of daily production, wind production is temporary, showing several declines after reaching peak daily production.

Solar production can be almost zero from November to February in Finland, while in California and Saudi Arabia it can provide good production during the winter, depending on the local weather.

The complementarity of solar and wind generation could have a smoothing effect on the well-known intermittency of their production. Complementarity between solar and wind may not solve the structural problems, but reduces the need for energy storage and grid adaptation.

This complementarity could reduce the power supply problem: the rapid rise and fall in activity of power plants connected to the grid. It improves the reliability of energy supply.

"Some studies have already reported 100% renewable energy production without the need for significant storage, thanks to the complementarity of resources, as opposed to grids that have less diversified resources and require more storage".


PV Magazine of August 26th

Editor's note The art of writing a study that pushes open doors!

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