L R AS Published on Sunday 22 March 2020 - n° 314 - Categories:various sectors, silicon mono/multi

When will the world discover the danger of the Chinese silicon monopoly?

Taiwanese polycrystalline silicon producer Powertec

filed for bankruptcy on 27 February

EnergyTrend of 16 March

Editor's note The Korean OCI and Hanwha, well-known manufacturers, have just announced the end of their silicon production activity. The American REC Silicon has shut down one of its factories. Wacker is suffering heavy losses. Soon, there will be only Chinese manufacturers left with their production power (cf. Tongwei which has just announced a production capacity objective of around 250,000 tonnes per year in 2023, i.e. four times its 2019 capacity. Daqo has doubled its capacity in 2019). Foreign competitors are waiting for their bankruptcy, without doing anything. Governments are looking elsewhere! Soon only China will produce what is needed for the photovoltaic industry, without any competition, without any reaction from the rest of the world. Even the coronavirus will have produced what happened with SARS, fine speeches, stressing the need to break the dependence on a single country! But this will remain wishful thinking because the bases will no longer be available. Where is there a strategic vision outside China?

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