L R AS Published on Monday 16 March 2020 - n° 313 - Categories:European countries, electricity companies

Liander wants to reduce network congestion

Liander, the largest electricity supplier in the Netherlands will tackle grid congestion in the province of Gelderland. This involves reducing the number of

of solar and wind energy projects awaiting new grid capacity. This compromises the deployment of large solar power plants encouraged by the national SDE + programme. Liander will call on agricultural companies that also produce RE, asking them for flexible power to reduce grid congestion.

If electricity supply or demand exceeds the grid capacity in a certain area, the grid operator will examine whether electricity supply and demand can be coordinated with market players. If this is the case, the grid operator will ask the market to use more electricity, or less electricity when demand exceeds supply".

Liander plans to have around 6 GW of solar capacity on its grid by 2023.

PV Magasine of 12 March

Editor's note It's really do-it-yourself! This is not the way to increase the absorption capacity of the network, and therefore the arrival of new renewable energies.

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