L R AS Published on Saturday 15 June 2019 - n° 281 - Categories:European countries

Italy to relaunch its solar installations

The European Union approves the Italian auction programme for renewable energies.

A programme of

5.4 billion is expected to stimulate new growth in large-scale photovoltaics while providing incentives for PV roof systems. The auction scheme will include an incentive for projects related to recharging electric vehicles. It will include a mechanism to suspend higher tariffs if the price of renewable energy production becomes cheaper than the market price.

4.8 GW will be allocated over the next 30 months. The first two auctions will be for 500 MW.

A series of solar and wind auctions will be open to projects ranging from 20 kW to 1 MW.

This programme aims to boost solar installations in Italy.

PV Magazine of 14 June

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