L R AS Published on Monday 8 October 2018 - n° 250 - Categories:China

Destabilisation of the Chinese PV industry

The government measures of 31 May have destabilised the Chinese industry: according to the president of Tongwei, the demand for panels has decreased by

500 billion RMB ($73 billion) in the last four months. The loss in value of inventories is estimated at RMB 300 billion ($44 billion), and the suspension of production has resulted in a loss of RMB 200 billion ($29 billion).

President de Tongwei reported that there were major difficulties in the Chinese industry in the form of outstanding debts, litigation, and layoffs without severance pay because the government measures were taken without corrective action.

Many Chinese cities are seriously affected by the fog coming from coal-fired power stations, which provide 60 per cent of the country's electricity, and from the 300 million vehicles that give off exhaust fumes. For this president, the only solution is to abandon coal as an energy source and resort to RE.

Is it because of this conviction? Tongwei is increasing its solar cell production capacity to 9 GWp by the end of 2018 and is launching the production of N HIT cells.

Digitimes of 2 October

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