L R AS Published on Monday 1 October 2018 - n° 249 - Categories:the prices, other France

The abolition of the minimum price reduces the price of panels by 10-15%.

In an interview conducted by Tecsol, LONGi's sales manager specifies that the abolition of the minimum price in Europe allows him to reduce the price of the most widely distributed products by 10 to 15%. He states

that monocrystalline technology will constitute the major part of the market in the very near future. The current very low price of polycrystalline is not expected to persist as it comes from unsold products in China.

"Until now LONGi has been selling its products to French developers for installations abroad. The change is therefore not significant for most of its volumes. »

Longi is the world's 3rd largest manufacturer of photovoltaic panels for all technologies combined.

Tecsol of 27 September

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