L R AS Published on Friday 28 September 2018 - n° 249 - Categories:Europe, residential storage

The European market for residential storage systems is the largest in the world.

The European market for residential storage systems is the largest in the world, according to the German consulting and market research company Macrom: the number of systems sold in Europe has tripled.

over the last two years. Within Europe, Germany is the most important market, with powerful national manufacturers dominating the market. On the other hand, the sales growth of Asian manufacturers is remarkable. This is especially the case in Great Britain, where customers are mainly price-sensitive while German appliances are more expensive: 80 % of the British market is held by Asian suppliers. The German market is the most dynamic with 100,000 installations completed, and where 65 % of the market is held by local manufacturers.

Spain will become an important market in Europe in the future. Here again, the recent change of government - which favours renewable energies much more than the previous one - is at the origin of this increased interest. Italy is also showing impressive growth. From 2016 to 2017, the market grew by 70% and the trend continues.

The report highlights the importance of national regulations with which systems must comply. For example, the Italian market is dominated by 6 kWh. In Great Britain, by comparison, potential buyers show little interest in turnkey solutions, i.e. combining batteries and inverters into a single system.

PV Magazine of 26 September

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