L R AS Published on Monday 11 June 2018 - n° 237 - Categories:solar thermal

Socol wants to stimulate the use of thermal heating

Already 8 district heating networks in France use solar thermal energy, 6 others are in the process of being equipped. The network of the town of Chateaubriant in Loire-Atlantique, for example,

combines 2 MW of solar thermal energy, i.e. 2,200 m² of panels, wood and natural gas cogeneration. The 10 km network will use 900 MWh of solar heat per year. The commissioning of the installation has enabled the threshold of a 50% contribution from renewable energy sources to the annual energy consumption of the urban network to be passed.

Socol is the main source of information on all the technical, legal and financial aspects of collective solar thermal energy, from design to operation, including all conceivable performance guarantee schemes. Socol brings together 3,000 professionals - architects and project managers, engineering offices, companies, contractors, research centres, training centres and professional associations - in an informal way.

There is much more information to be gathered on the article. https://www.batirama.com/article/16781-les-vastes-ressources-documentaires-de-socol-au-service-du-solaire-thermique.html

and on the website https://www.solaire-collectif.fr/

Batirama of June 4th

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