L R AS Published on Saturday 14 April 2018 - n° 229 - Categories:evolution-stat

The growth in global facilities 2017 is almost exclusively linked to China

The International Energy Agency draws attention to the evolution of global installations in 2017: if China's share is taken away

(53 GW) in the total installed capacity (98 GW, compared with 76 GW in 2016, +29%), there were 45 GW installed in the rest of the world, compared with 41 GW in 2016, i.e. very weak growth (+10%): the United States returned to 10.6 GW (compared with 14.7 GW in 2016, a drop of 28%). On the other hand, other countries have increased their installations, such as India. Europe excluding Turkey barely progressed from 6 GW installed in 2016 to 6.5 GW in 2017, with Germany contributing 1.8 GW, followed by the United Kingdom (0.95 GW) and France (0.87 GW).

PV Magazine of 13 April

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