L R AS Published on Tuesday 3 April 2018 - n° 227 - Categories:setting up abroad, the American PV

JinkoSolar confirms its industrial facilities in the United States

JinkoSolar confirms its investment of 50 M$ to set up a panel production unit in the United States

with duty-free imported cells. It has signed a contract with NextEra for the sale of 2.75 GW of panels to be delivered over four years.

It is the first Chinese manufacturer to invest on American soil. The final project is much lower than the initial project, which called for an investment of between $120 million and $410 million.

The second investor to make a name for itself is Taiwan's United Renewable Energy, which is the result of the merger of three cell manufacturers, but nothing is final yet. Other foreign manufacturers have considered the possibility of setting up a plant, but nothing has been decided.

The possibility of buying 2.5 GW of cells without customs duties is encouraging American manufacturers to increase production rates.

GreenTech Media of March 30

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