L R AS Published on Sunday 4 February 2018 - n° 220 - Categories:other France

New Spain-France power line in 2025

A high-voltage power line with a capacity of 2.2 GW is to be built between Spain and France, over 370 km across the Bay of Biscay, between Gatica, in the Basque country, and Cubnezais, in Aquitaine, with 110 km in Spain and 260 km in France, including 90 km on land and 280 km underwater.

This project will make it possible to

to export the Spanish (and Portuguese) renewable energy surplus to France. This is a step in the constitution of a Europe of Energy. It will be financed for 578 M€ by the European Union and the rest (1.172 M€) by France and Spain.

This project will increase the interconnection capacity between the two countries from 2.8 GW to 5 GW from 2025.

PV Tech of 26 January 2018

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