L R AS Published on Monday 15 January 2018 - n° 217 - Categories:new development

Producing solar energy from a tower

The Japanese company Sharp has designed a solution based on vertically placed solar panels: the tower is either 6 or 8 metres high, depending on the number of panels used. It offers

an alternative energy solution for businesses and home owners who do not have enough space on their roofs: it fits into any garden and requires only a small amount of space to accumulate and store solar energy. The largest of the three towers (the one with 20 panels) delivers up to five kilowatts of installed power. The solar tower does not replace the photovoltaic panels installed on the roof: it is an alternative solution, which is complementary to a rooftop installation, or can be deployed when the latter is not possible.

Tecsol of 11 January 2018

Editor's note The system is more ingenious than it seems at first glance: Sharp has only one tower, but nothing prevents the installation of two, three or four towers side by side, in order to accumulate theNothing is said about the price of such a tower or about the installations it requires. It can be a good alternative to the installation of panels on roofs. This idea has a future.

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