L R AS Published on Friday 12 January 2018 - n° 217 - Categories:floating power plant

Floating solar power plants in the Netherlands

Dutch companies will install floating power plants in the Netherlands using Innozowa technology. A first pilot project will be installed

near Nijmegen, before a multiplication of installations. A project is already under development in the port of Rotterdam.

PV Magazine of 11 January 2018

Editor's note The multiplication of floating power plant projects (in China, India, Japan, Indonesia, ...) indicates that the technology is simple, easy to implement and seems reliable. There is evidence that unknown companies can develop facilities. At the same time, installation on reservoirs, lakes or rivers with fluctuating flow rates allows the use of unused space, which is particularly useful in densely populated human areas such as the eastern part of China or India.

On a slightly different note, we have heard about a technology that uses the movements of the sea to create electricity...

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