L R AS Published on Saturday 9 December 2017 - n° 215 - Categories:R&D , lithium batteries

New anode for lithium-ion battery

The University of Kiel and the German company Rena have developed silicon anodes to improve the performance of lithium-ion batteries. The researchers used etching

electrochemical to structure the silicon to mate in the anode, but this system is not suitable for mass production as it requires the sealing of the treated substrates to avoid short circuits between the positive and negative electrodes. Rena has brought its knowledge of equipment and process development to adapt this technology to the industry.

The system developed is also suitable for high throughput applications such as solar cell manufacturing. Porous silicon can be used as a release layer to separate epitaxial structures such as solar cells or wafers that are deposited on the silicon wafers following the electrochemical etching step.

PV Magazine of 5 December 2017

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