L R AS Published on Sunday 15 October 2017 - n° 207 - Categories:funding, French companies

Technique Solaire uses participatory financing to refinance 46 roofs (9.2 MW)

Technique Solaire wishes to refinance 46 solar roofs for agricultural activities, 10 of which are already in service, with others to be built in the near future.

the spring of 2018. The total corresponds to 9.2 MWp.

The amount collected, €0.5 million, has already been almost fully paid up. The minimum contribution of €25 will be invested in fixed income bonds. Each year, interest will be paid and part of the capital will be amortised.

The company's website indicates that it has installed 40 MWp and has 100 MWp under development.

Solar and Lumo technology

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