AS Published on Monday 9 October 2017 - n° 206 - Categories:Thread of the Week

Le Fil de l'Actu n° 206 of October 9th

THE IMPORTANT POINTS OF THIS WEEK'S NEWS (le Fil de l'Actu n°206 of 9 October 2017)

* Total offers a tariff 10% cheaper than EDF's, with incalculable consequences

* Electrical erasing is not a popular method in France.


* The solarkilowatt-hour is at the lowest level in the world in the Saudi Arabian bidding process.

* The transition to diamondcutting in China would be slower to envisage

* The benefits of blacksilicon


* Uncertainty about the volume of PV installations in China at year end

* The Middle East, a new area for the global development of solarenergy


* A bricksolar tile: a step forward

* New polyolefin-based (POE) panelback sheeting


* Perovskite would be formed from primary components

* The blockchain put into practice: first transaction!


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