L R AS Published on Sunday 19 February 2017 - n° 180 - Categories:France, other France

RTE presented the French electricity balance sheet for 2016. It can be summarised in a few figures

RTE has presented the French electricity balance sheet for 2016, which can be summarised in a few figures:

1.5% is the growth in electricity consumption in France last year. It reached 483 TWh. Adjusted for leap year and climatic contingencies, RTE considers that consumption has remained stable, as it has been for the past seven years.

Solar production reached a record 5.3 GW on 4 May at 1.30 pm. Wind generation set a record on 20 November at 4am with a production of 8.6 GW. Solar and wind energy contributed 5.5% (1.6% + 3.9%) to the French energy mix in 2016. RE supplied 19.6% of the total, with hydropower contributing 12%.

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