L R AS Published on Tuesday 1 November 2016 - n° 166 - Categories:RE

The IEA estimates the annual growth of renewable energy sources at 13% by 2021.

The International Energy Agency is proud to announce that it has significantly revised upwards its five-year forecast, now projecting growth in renewable energy of 13% per year. It cites policy in the United States, China, India and Mexico.

It recalls that in 2015, renewable energies overtook coal as the world's leading energy generating source, and accounted for more than half of the new capacities.
For the AIE, the cost of photovoltaic installations will fall by a quarter by 2021.
SolarServer of 25 October 2016
Editor's note The upward revision of the growth forecast for photovoltaics to 13% per year is comical because the last two years have seen solar growth closer to 25%/30% or more, rather than 13%. Perhaps one day the IEA will find that the growth rate used should be revised again!

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