L R AS Published on Friday 2 September 2016 - n° 158 - Categories:United Kingdom

Few facilities in the UK since April. Can private agreements revive plant construction?

The United Kingdom installed only 16 MW in July, after 1 GW installed in the first half of the year alone due to the end of the Renewable Bonds regime (March alone accounted for 884 MW installed), which gives little volume for the other months.

At the end of July the installed solar capacity was 10,799 MW with more than 890,000 installations.
Faced with the government's desire to reduce the construction of solar installations in the United Kingdom, the developer Lightsource Renewable Energy is convinced that it is possible to continue to build large plants for customers who wish to do so, with a fixed-price electricity supply agreement, 25% lower than the price of electricity from the grid
PV Magazine of 2 September 2016

Editor's note The pragmatic nature of the British makes them seek solutions to any situation. It is quite obvious that the fall in the price of power stations and therefore of electricity must interest large users who want a fixed price for their energy. After that, it is a question of the price of both the construction and the sale of energy. This is a very different attitude from that in France, where the monarchy's habit is to look to the public authorities for authorisations and political decisions, regardless of a possible agreement between two parties. The European Community is trying to unlock habits in France, but they are tenacious because they are taken at school and reinforced by the Grandes Ecoles (including Polytechnique and ENA).

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