L R AS Published on Saturday 3 February 2024 - n° 474 - Categories:various sectors

Completion times for renewable energy projects (particularly photovoltaic) have increased over the last 20 years

Swiss researchers have studied the completion times for 12,475 renewable energy projects in 48 countries. They found that average commissioning times have increased over twenty years for all technologies.

They took into account project size, technology, project and developer characteristics, and project site. They used data from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BloombergNEF)

and other national and environmental data from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and World Governance Indicators, among others.

One of their first conclusions:

"average deployment time has increased for all technologies in both OECD and non-OECD countries, with the exception of biomass electricity in non-OECD countries. "

Size has no influence on the delay in construction. On the other hand, the experience of developers is an important indicator of order times for PV and onshore wind. "This is probably due to low experience in other technologies due to relatively low deployment compared to solar PV and onshore wind. "

The analysis showed that completion times for PV and onshore wind increased by 0.5 years and from 0.9 to 1.2 years for OECD and non-OECD countries respectively.

The analysis also showed that factors such as currency devaluation, GDP contraction, the COVID-19 crisis, etc. had a significant impact on project schedules. The average project size for solar PV over the period 2005-2022 was 17.3 MW in OECD countries and 34.4 MW in non-OECD countries.


PV Magazine of 29 January 2024

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