L R AS Published on Saturday 18 November 2023 - n° 466 - Categories:panels

Develop the repair and reuse of solar panels?

The Baden-Württemberg Research Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen (ZSW) and several partners are studying the repair and subsequent reuse of solar panels. The aim is to test used panels more efficiently and at a higher throughput rate, and to develop new repair options.

in order to reduce the quantity of panels to be disposed of. The aim is to detect as early as possible whether a system has insulation problems and whether a repair is possible. Due to the current problems with defective polyamide-based backing films (RSF), the focus is on repair solutions for these films.

Quality checks carried out by project partner 2nd Life Solar indicate that around 70% of the sorted panels are currently still directly usable.

The three-year project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWK) to the tune of €1.2 million.


Photon of 16 November 2023

Editor's note A very tentative trend is emerging: repair and reuse. It is difficult to determine its future, even if it is based on preserving products and saving materials, whereas the modern economy is geared towards replacement.

The rapid evolution of panel performance seems to be dooming this savings process. Repair and reconditioning work would have to be particularly low to encourage people to keep old panels and bring them back into use!

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