L R AS Published on Monday 16 October 2023 - n° 461 - Categories:News of the Month

This week's highlights for 15 October 2023

This week's news for 15 October 2023

The main point ...there are two ways to grow: attracting from abroad or relying on your own strengths...

. The revival of the European photovoltaic industry has been the subject of debate for almost two years. Everyone is well aware that we need to move away from our dependence on Chinese producers. But how can this be done? The American example is well known and appeals to all European manufacturers.

Because of its history, India has chosen another path, that of national stimulation based on customs protection, aid and subsidies, and national preference for production and consumption. It takes longer, but it works.

. A look at the Indian photovoltaic example

1st important point :

. Could we have imagined that panels placed at an altitude of 2,500 m would be more productive than those in the valley?

. Panels at an altitude of 2,500 m are more efficient than those in the valleys.

2nd secondary point :

Designed to reassure developers, this guarantee fund should make it possible to extend these contracts to other categories of company.

. A guarantee fund for power purchase agreements in France

3rd point (subsidiary) :

There is a great deal of concern about recycling the materials contained in the panels. One way of doing this is being studied by the CEA, using supercriticalCO2, whereas last week other researchers were recommending supercritical water!

. Another process for recycling end-of-life photovoltaic panels, presented by the CEA

Other interesting points : .

We need storage for more than four hours

SMA raises its forecast for 2023

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